In Strasbourg, we therefore harvested our first defeat. I am here to reassure the group is absolutely no shot.
For proof, Toudic still can not be played in front of his idol, Jean-Pierre Papin. When I asked him what were his memories of this fabulous striker, he said, "Scoring? But nan dad, you're drunk or what? Papin is a comic. He was in Nowhere, issue of Canal +, with his buddy Canto! He drank Cacolac like me when I pricked the eight-to-eight with my buddies from the Guérinière. "
It was a great weekend for Toudic, because he even had the right to visit the aircraft cockpit , he not return, he had to take a picture that shows it to his wife and son.
Afterwards, he even took a picture of the copilot. It is nice Julian. The photo, he has taken to Elliot: "So, I will show that Elliot Not only was he who did nothing fuck bench co-pilots is the same as the bench, but on the plane. "
Costil had a kind word for everyone. He said he had found that we had played well, scoring only one goal on free kick in stoppage time, it should have been decisive, scoring 2 goals as the Meinau y'en not many who would and everything. He just said several times that taking too many goals (every time when Vincent was in the crapper Lemaitre pointed out to me), and Benedict, he asked me directly if we had considered all options to remedy this, the overflow of goals conceded. He repeated the shot with Patrick too. By cons, he does not speak with the big Dumas. Indeed, on reflection, I do not know if I've seen them both speak. Even when they shake the paws, they avoid each other's eyes. Finally, the encouraging attitude of Benedict is significant for the whole group.
As I mentioned Reynald he too was happy and I think it's because Florentin has nabbed another biscuit, he will be suspended. Mind you, thankfully he was not happy with his performance in the match, because Reynald rear left is a blow for now as successful as the recruitment of Nantes.
And I can see clearly in the game Reynald, I would even say it is a little ass-licker.
He even told me once, "Dad, y 'is one who smokes cigarettes in secret. Personally, I find it not good, I think he should be punished. " A little ass-licking, but also a bit dumb, how could I be credible by punishing a player for having blown a blonde? I'm still not flawless on hygiene of life, and between us, I prefer a player that feels the cold tobacco Brut Faberge as Reynald ...
So now, the group lives together. It was thought fifths, so good. Will not miss against Ajaccio, because anyway, we were told that the items stolen by Poulat they recover at the expense of Alsatian, well they come out of the coup against the Corsican. But attention, my experience tells me that if we postpone it as long as the points, we no longer have the time to have enough to play in L1. So, I think I'll raise the roof this week in training.
But nah, just kidding!
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